
Derinkuyu Emineana ve Yaşar Ertaş Agriculture and Livestock Vocational School

Mission and Vision

Our Mission,

In order to meet the expectations of institutions and organizations, open to innovations, free and scientific thinking, educated, cultured, respectful to the law, thinking, producing, discussing, adopting a critical approach, acting with the awareness of serving the state and nation, having original and questioning values, to raise graduates who can contribute to the economy with high efficiency in a competitive production environment.

Our Vision,

Its graduates, who work to solve the problems of our country, especially in our province and region, respect universal values, focus on quality in education, constantly developing and renewing; To be one of the leading educational institutions that is self-confident with a human understanding, can take responsibility, follows technological developments with a continuous development understanding, focuses on the future by integrating tradition with change, and turns them into professionally sought after individuals.